What Is Gender Ideology? The False Belief That There Are Only 2 Genders.
This is what ideological dogmatism looks like; everything is the same, can only happen in one way, and is vigorously policed.
There Is a Space Between the Binary Labels of Male and Female that Connects Us All as Human Beings
We are all worthy of dignity and freedom of self-expression.
In 2005, I bought my first translation of the Tao
Embracing Queer Authenticity: Breaking Free from Conformity
Part 3: Contemplative reflections on conforming to societal expectations related to gender and sexual identity
In this next group of
Contemplative Reflections on Connection, Sex, and Liberation
Part 2: The celebration of diversity to cultivate human connection and understanding.
Following my first post in this series, Acceptance
Sex and the Gay Christian with Jon Carl Lewis
Think Queerly Podcast Interview — TQ180
In this episode of Think Queerly, I speak with Jon Carl Lewis, the founder of
Kelly Walker on Celebrating Life with Grace and Delight Because It’s Good to Be Alive
A Think Queerly Podcast discussion with Canadian author, speaker, musician, and former Dominican Prior, Kelly Walker.
I am pleased to
How Gay Men Imbue Culture With Beauty and Creativity – LOP042
As a gay man, when I tune into beauty I connect with the source that creates life. From that source
Pride: Party, Protest, Or Both? – LOP004
If pride remains a protest, where does that leave us?
Pride will always be political so long as it continues