
[Video] All Polarization and Binaries Have a Central Point of Origin

[Video] All Polarization and Binaries Have a Central Point of Origin

How do we reconcile polarities like right versus wrong and good versus bad? With so many extreme challenges and divisive
1 min read
Polarization Creates a Dangerous Illusion that Disconnects Us from Our Shared Humanity

Polarization Creates a Dangerous Illusion that Disconnects Us from Our Shared Humanity

Both online and in the real world, there is too much emphasis on the need to be right and belong
2 min read
Why Leadership Should Not Be a Measure of the Individual Leader’s Character

Why Leadership Should Not Be a Measure of the Individual Leader’s Character

Leadership needs to empower others to act with integrity. It might be a cliché, but “To err is human” is
2 min read
What If I Told You There Is an Easy Way to Feel Incredible —One that also Makes You a Better Person?

What If I Told You There Is an Easy Way to Feel Incredible —One that also Makes You a Better Person?

No, it's not a pill or a drug. The best thing about it is that it doesn'
1 min read
Queering the Lead: Embracing the Power of Unique Stories and Authenticity in Leadership

Queering the Lead: Embracing the Power of Unique Stories and Authenticity in Leadership

Contemplative Reflections, Part 5: Leadership for a more inclusive, conscious, and humane society. Leadership is not just about directing or
2 min read
Embracing the Fluid Self: Reflections on Gender and Identity

Embracing the Fluid Self: Reflections on Gender and Identity

Contemplative Reflections, Part 4: Celebrating diversity, challenging norms, and cultivating acceptance.
1 min read
Contemplative Reflections on Connection, Sex, and Liberation

Contemplative Reflections on Connection, Sex, and Liberation

Part 2: The celebration of diversity to cultivate human connection and understanding. Following my first post in this series, Acceptance
1 min read
What Is the Common Good, Who Controls It, and Why Is It Difficult to Define?

What Is the Common Good, Who Controls It, and Why Is It Difficult to Define?

Nurturing harmony: exploring the fragile essence of the common good. How can we define a common good for all people
7 min read
Acceptance & Belonging: Contemplations About the Challenges and Aspirations of LGBTQ+ People

Acceptance & Belonging: Contemplations About the Challenges and Aspirations of LGBTQ+ People

Part 1: On the fundamental human experiences of societal norms and self-discovery. Several years ago, I published a collection of
2 min read
The Necessity of Appealing to Innate Human Dignity Instead of Furthering Argument and Division

The Necessity of Appealing to Innate Human Dignity Instead of Furthering Argument and Division

Self-mastery is not about agreeing with other people’s opinions or keeping silent — it demonstrates your humility and respect for
9 min read