
My dog, Scooby, and me sitting in a chair.

Rethinking Success to Embrace What Makes Me Happy

How my old beliefs about success keep me in the closet — and what I've learned.
3 min read
When You Accept that Success is a Continuous Process, You Can Let Go of Failure as a Moment in Time

When You Accept that Success is a Continuous Process, You Can Let Go of Failure as a Moment in Time

Why success & failure are not opposites on The Shaun Proulx Show. What Is Failure? Failure is the decision to
2 min read
Success Is Not the Opposite of Failure — How this Dichotomy Reinforces Self-Doubt and Shame

Success Is Not the Opposite of Failure — How this Dichotomy Reinforces Self-Doubt and Shame

Success & Failure, Part II — Why we need to remove the word failure from the discourse of success. The first
7 min read
How to Define, Refine, and Re-Align Your Failures as Successes

How to Define, Refine, and Re-Align Your Failures as Successes

P.E.P — A Personal Evolution Practice to reframe failure and to move forward with direction and certainty on your
5 min read
Your Understanding of the Meaning of Failure Could Be the Reason for Unrealized Goals and Dreams

Your Understanding of the Meaning of Failure Could Be the Reason for Unrealized Goals and Dreams

Success & Failure, Part I — Without a clear understanding of the meaning of “failing” you might feel like a failure.
8 min read