Deep-Dive IDEA(tion) Session

Deep-Dive IDEA(tion) Session

Get unstuck or unlock creative strategies to make more progress than you would on your own.

In this deep-dive IDEA(tion) Coaching session, you will gain clarity and insight into one of your biggest challenges. Once we determine the root of what's blocking you, we can implement the most skillful and appropriate behavioural changes that are in emotional alignment with what's most important to you. You will establish a direction and create strategies that are grounded in emotional alignment with your purpose and goals.

With this Deep-Dive session, you will experience one intensive, uninterrupted, and transformative block of time to clear the path, establish your grounding, and determine the most efficient, effective, and impactful steps forward to get what you want.

How We Work Together

  1. Introductory questionnaire prior to your session;
  2. One Deep-Dive IDEA(tion) Coaching session (up to 3 hours) via Zoom;
  3. Recording of our Zoom calls available within 24 hours;
  4. One 30 minutes follow-up session within 1 to 2 weeks of the Deep-Dive, and;
  5. Strategies, direction, resources, and action items will be provided, if appropriate.

To understand my approach to coaching, and what we are both agreeing to when we chose to work together, click here.

Your Commitment

The most liberating and transformative changes I’ve made in my life were because I've had the help of great coaches who saw what I couldn’t see for myself. Working with them I was able to confidently make my own impactful and skillful choices. Your investment for this Deep-Dive IDEA(tion) session is $475 (CDN).

Ready To Get Started?

Click the button below to pay for your session through my secure online checkout with Square. Once I've received notification of payment, I'll email you within 48-hours to book your session.

Deep-Dive IDEA(tion) Session

Deep-Dive IDEA(tion) Session


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If you have any questions, send me a message and I'll respond within 48 hours.