2023 Year-In-Review Process — Exclusively on LinkedIn

In early January 2021 (remember COVID-19?), I received an email with a link to a list of the top 80+ articles on Medium about planning your goals for 2021.
Seriously! 80 articles? Who has time for that? 😛
If you want to procrastinate, this would be a perfect "rabbit hole."
But it's that time of year, isn't it? The "End of Year Review" time. 📆
You might already be thinking about how 2023 went for you, what you’ve accomplished and learned, your major milestones, and so on.
Many coaches will offer a downloadable worksheet with a list of questions, or even a program, to do a deep-dive review of your accomplishments, and then establish your goals and actions for the coming year.
I want to do something different this year — to disrupt the norm and see if it helps you to get a more tangible and impactful review of your personal development and self-awareness.
Instead of a one-off download, I am going to post a single question per LinkedIn post with an explanation every day for the next 9 days — starting tomorrow, Wednesday, December 13, and wrapping up on Thursday, December 21.
Each question will focus on a single aspect of your 2023 year-in-review, making it easier to approach in bite-size pieces, and the opportunity to think about what you've accomplished over a longer period.
The benefit to doing this introspection more slowly and bit by bit is the possibility of getting a more profound awareness than you would if you tried to cram in a review within 1 to 3 hours.
Think about it: is 365 days of your life worth a review of more than 3 hours?
✍️ Allow yourself to answer without judgement, writing your reflections and observations in your journal, or however you wish to complete this process.
Don’t consider this process to be a “measurement” of your past year — this is not about what you did right or wrong.
Instead, reflect on what happened, what stands out, and how those experiences shaped you.
Please don't hesitate to return to previous questions as you work through this process. Add more detail and colour over the coming days as recollections and observations bubble up in your memory.
❗️HINT: Review your calendar and journals to discover forgotten highlights that include major events, significant habits, and goals you accomplished.
At the end of this series, I will show you how to pull all of your insights together to create a roadmap for 2023 that aligns with your core values, supports your well-being, and cultivates more joy. 😃
If that works for you, follow me on LinkedIn and like today's post so that you won't miss the next update of my Year-In-Review process that I am publishing exclusively on LinkedIn.
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