What Is the Biggest Challenge You Have As a Messenger?
As a leader or a change-maker, the impact of your message depends on how effectively you can communicate the change
Why Anger Is Selfish — How to Lead From Unconscious Goodness Instead
For many of us, the results of the election in the United States on Wednesday, November 6, 2024 were disheartening.
If You Don’t FEEL Well, You Can’t LEAD Well
Change-Leadership Supports Part 2 — Love (again!), Empathy, Actualization, and Direction.
Cultivating Self-Kindness: A Game-Changer for Negative Self-Talk
How to rewrite your self-talk: A 3-Step journey to cultivating self-compassion.
Why Are Rightwing Extremist Groups So Secretive?
What have they got to hide? On the discontentment and tragedy of not knowing one’s connection with humanity.
Words Themselves Are Not Violence - Only Physical Acts of Aggression Are
Violence is a physical action, whereas words are symbols acting as intellectual constructs.
Sticks and stones may break my bones,