social evolution

[Video] All Polarization and Binaries Have a Central Point of Origin

[Video] All Polarization and Binaries Have a Central Point of Origin

How do we reconcile polarities like right versus wrong and good versus bad? With so many extreme challenges and divisive
1 min read
From Attack to Empathy: Practicing Humility and Impartial Witnessing on Social Media

From Attack to Empathy: Practicing Humility and Impartial Witnessing on Social Media

All social transformation starts with personal transformation.
2 min read
Polarization Creates a Dangerous Illusion that Disconnects Us from Our Shared Humanity

Polarization Creates a Dangerous Illusion that Disconnects Us from Our Shared Humanity

Both online and in the real world, there is too much emphasis on the need to be right and belong
2 min read
What Is Gender Ideology? The False Belief That There Are Only 2 Genders.

What Is Gender Ideology? The False Belief That There Are Only 2 Genders.

This is what ideological dogmatism looks like; everything is the same, can only happen in one way, and is vigorously policed.
2 min read
Why Leadership Should Not Be a Measure of the Individual Leader’s Character

Why Leadership Should Not Be a Measure of the Individual Leader’s Character

Leadership needs to empower others to act with integrity. It might be a cliché, but “To err is human” is
2 min read
What Is Human-Hearted Leadership and Why Does it Matter?

What Is Human-Hearted Leadership and Why Does it Matter?

Introduction to the 6 Principles for Cultivating Open-Hearted Personal Leadership. If you want to be a great leader, you must
10 min read
The Way of No Contention

The Way of No Contention

One of the 6 Principles of Human-Hearted Leadership “The way for humans is to act without contention.” The above is
2 min read