
If You Don’t FEEL Well, Can You Truly Make a Difference?

If You Don’t FEEL Well, Can You Truly Make a Difference?

Change-Leadership Supports Part 1 — Freedom, Energy, Enthusiasm, and Love
2 min read
Is History Repeating? What the Rise of Fascism and Dictatorships Can Tell Us About How to Act, Now

Is History Repeating? What the Rise of Fascism and Dictatorships Can Tell Us About How to Act, Now

Think Queerly Podcast, Episode 245
1 min read
Magnetic Metaphors: Understanding Gender and Identity Politics Through the Polarity of Magnetism

Magnetic Metaphors: Understanding Gender and Identity Politics Through the Polarity of Magnetism

In the fight for diversity and inclusion, we are butting heads by forcing the same energy of anger, dominance, and superiority against our opponents.
2 min read
There Is a Space Between the Binary Labels of Male and Female that Connects Us All as Human Beings

There Is a Space Between the Binary Labels of Male and Female that Connects Us All as Human Beings

We are all worthy of dignity and freedom of self-expression. In 2005, I bought my first translation of the Tao
2 min read
A Year-End Review Personal Evolution Process (P.E.P.) for 2021

A Year-End Review Personal Evolution Process (P.E.P.) for 2021

How to establish your core value and emotional tone for how you want to feel in 2022. On Wednesday, December
3 min read
What Can You Control in Your Life to Experience More Love, Happiness, and Freedom?

What Can You Control in Your Life to Experience More Love, Happiness, and Freedom?

How to get clarity about what you can influence in your own life and why that matters. Until I was
5 min read
What’s the Point of Pursuing Your Purpose If It Doesn’t Bring You Freedom, Peace of Mind, and Joy?

What’s the Point of Pursuing Your Purpose If It Doesn’t Bring You Freedom, Peace of Mind, and Joy?

Something is missing if your purpose doesn’t inspire and compel you to make a difference in the lives of
4 min read
When Everyone Is Shouting, Whose Voice Gets Heard and Who Is Right?

When Everyone Is Shouting, Whose Voice Gets Heard and Who Is Right?

Whose message breaks through to change hearts and minds? Reading Audre Lorde’s article, “The Transformation of Silence into Language
6 min read
Universal Human Dignity: Human Love and Self-Expression Must be Free

Universal Human Dignity: Human Love and Self-Expression Must be Free

Every human being deserves the freedom to express who they are and to love whomever they love without prejudice. In
2 min read